Adding Cucumber-JVM task to your plan
To get started with BDD Insights for Bamboo, you first need to configure a task to add to the plans job. A task is a small process (e.g. parsing a test result) that gets executed when a user runs a plan.Β
Select the job you wish to add the task to (Default Job) and select Add task.
A dialog with all the tasks available will open. We need to add the Cucumber-JVM parser task, to find this task either scroll through the list or use the search filter in the top right.
Once you've selected the task, you will need to enter the Report path for where Cucumber-JVM will publish test results in the JSON format. For a Maven project using JUnit with the following configuration @CucumberOptions(format = { "json:target/test-reports/cucumber.json"}) will place the results in the test-reports folder. Don't forget to select Save if you've made any changes to it's configuration.
Finally, drag the task into the Final tasks section, so the results files are collected and processed even if there are any build failures. If you don't do this last step it's possible for the build fail due to test errors but the you wouldn't be able to see which tests failed if the task isn't executed.
Next, see What does my test report look like?